Melissa Dunkle | Tax 主要 | 都柏林 OH | 意图 注册会计师-安全的赌博软件

Melissa Dunkle

Resident of Columbus, OH
意图 Team Member Since 2018
  • Melissa is responsible for the oversight of tax engagements, review of the staff’s work, staff development and developing new business for the firm.

Topics or areas of expertise that Melissa can talk about (even in her sleep):

  • Partnership Tax
  • S-corporation tax
  • Individual income tax
  • Nonprofit taxation and governance
  • Tax planning

How we know she knows what she's doing:

  • She earned her bachelor's degree from The Ohio 状态 University with a major in accounting and a minor in finance.
  • She has over 8 years of experience in the accounting industry.
  • Prior to joining 意图, she worked for Brady Ware, GBQ and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio

Furthering her professional development, Melissa is involved with:

  • American Institute of 注册会计师s
  • Ohio Society of 注册会计师s

When she's not in the office, you can find her:

  • Organizing her house
  • Spending time with family, friends and her dog
  • Eating at her favorite restaurants with her husband

How she's helped clients meet their business needs:

A new client came to the firm wanting to create a non-profit to assist with the development of a specific area in Central Ohio. The organization would be partly funded by the individual’s existing company in the beginning stages with the goal of developing outside donors to maintain its existence. I was able to walk through the facts with the client, explain the pros and cons of creating a traditional tax-exempt organization vs. a private foundation, and determine what made the most sense for the mission and structure.

A new client came to the firm with an existing business that he owned 100%. His business was in the process of building a new warehouse and manufacturing plant to maintain their exponential growth. The prior accountants did not take advantage of significant tax credits impacting his individual and business returns, and I was able to amend prior tax years resulting in a refund of over $20,000. In addition, assisting the client with his R&D credit process, resulted in additional future savings.

Inside The Mind Of...

  • What does “A Brighter Way” mean to you? Having a positive attitude and outlook in all aspects of business and personal interactions. Our clients have complex financial decisions to make, and we have the opportunity to bring a positive light to their issues.
  • What’s your favorite aspect of your job? My favorite aspect of my job is the ability to help clients solve their problems. Sometimes accountants only think of themselves as financial problem solvers, but we do so much more than that on a daily basis.
  • What line of 真实之路 describes you the best? Invest in your family, in community and your future.
  • What do you consider is your “brightest” quality? I’m a people person and enjoy interacting with my clients on a regular basis. It’s important for them to have a personal connection with me in order to build trust.

Just For Fun:

  • What profession would you choose if you didn’t go into accounting? 一个房地产经纪人. I love looking at houses that are currently for sale and staying in the know on the housing market.
  • What makes you get out of bed every day? Aside from my personal motivation and drive, my dog. She is an early riser!
  • What is one trait you possess that you inherited from your mother or father? My mother has a strong will to help those in need. I definitely inherited that from her.
I strive to create excellent service experiences for all clients, develop new relationships, new staff and new skills.